My 30th High School Reunion

From Rebecca Greene


Whinypaluza Wednesday

My 30th High School Reunion

I just attended my 30th high school reunion.

I’m not quite sure how it has already been 30 years! That went by quickly!

Whether you went to your reunion or are thinking about skipping it, I want to take you on a journey through the emotions and memories that filled my heart during this milestone event.

I also hope that if your reunion is coming up that you will consider going. Don’t get caught up in your worries and insecurities. Throw all of that out the window. We are all adults.

Go have a good time and see who shows up to connect with (see picture below).

Tune in tonight to hear what I learned.

I am going live tonight from Seth's page again

Find him HERE.

I hope to see you there!

Laughing, Learning, Loving

Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R