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Being over 40 doesn’t mean chemistry and connection have to fade

Inspiring Adventures in Parenting & Marriage


Being over 40 doesn’t mean chemistry and connection have to fade.

While some aspects of relationships get easier as we get older, new challenges arise that can dull connection and passion. Aging bodies, recurring conflicts, financial, family and sexual struggles, all take a toll.


 I am collaborating with my colleague, Shana James, author of Honest Sex: A Passionate Path to Deepen Connection and Keep Relationships Alive, and a dating and relationship coach for the past 20 years. She brought experts together (including me) to create a resource for you to make sure your love life stays strong and satisfying after 40:


The Happy, Healthy Love and Sex After 40 Toolkit:

Essential Wisdom for Deeper Connection and Conscious Intimacy.


This free toolkit gives you guides and teachings, covering topics like:


     Understanding your love style to build more trust and love 

     Expressing anger without breaking a relationship

     The six senses of romantic love

     Crucial conversations for compatibility in midlife dating and relationships

     How to shift from trying to control a partner to creating deeper connection


Learn from the best like Susan Campbell, Ph.d., author of Getting Real, From Triggered to Tranquil and Five Minute Relationship Repair and more, Randy Spelling: co-host of the Oldish podcast, Sarah Marshank: creator of Selfistry and Ken Mossman,Senior Faculty at the Co-Active Training Institute for 15+ years and now leads his own courses for men.

Access your Happy, Healthy Love and Sex After 40 toolkit for free here

Each expert offers a powerful way for you to have more and better love and sex, tools that will support you as long as you live.

Laughing, Learning, Loving,

Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R

P.S.Make sure you get the tools you need to make your love life better and better. Head over to thesite HERE

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