My Birth Stories

Inspiring Adventures in Parenting & Marriage


Whinypaluza Wednesday

My Birth Stories

I just celebrated my son’s 17th birthday and my daughter’s 15th birthday. It gets me to reminisce on their birth stories. I am going to tell you that none of my births went as I had planned. We may have an idea of what our “birth plan” is, but we have no idea what is in store for us. I wish had known that. I wish I had been more educated. I wish more moms would have warned me. That is why I am writing this. I watched a woman’s birth story on you tube and I felt so understood. She is the inspiration behind this blog. If she helped me, it’s time for me to pay it forward and help others.

When I became pregnant with our first child, I was over the moon excited. I thought the first time we tried that I would get pregnant, and I was very wrong. My chiropractor is a hero in my life. I have talked to him every step of the way since I was 7 years old. That was 40 years ago, the first time I talked to him. I told him I was trying to get pregnant. He told me my uterus was tipped. He fixed it and I got pregnant right away. I can’t say enough about how much I love and respect chiropractic care for pregnant women, newborns, kids, teenagers, adults, the elderly, etc.

The pregnancy went smoothly. When I went to the doctor and asked what I was feeling, she told me that Max was head butting me. Knowing Max for 17 years now, that totally makes sense to me. He was flipping around and very active while I was pregnant.

My wonderful doctors kept asking me if I needed to be written out of work. I kept saying no and telling myself to work until the end. I didn’t want to sit home bored. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I tend to push myself too much. I probably should have been home for a little while before I gave birth, but I pushed myself like I usually do. I advise that if you can, be kinder to yourself than I was.

I will never forget my last doctor’s appointment. I got a doctor who didn’t know me well (they rotate so that you see all the doctors), and I told her my back was in too much pain and that I needed to be signed out of work. She told me there was nothing going on showing the start of birth and that I should go back to work. I told her I wasn’t going back to work, and I went home in major back pain. My friend at worked called me a sissy. Guess what? I was in labor! Follow your instincts ladies. I knew I was in too much pain and couldn’t go back to work. I went home and that night I went into obvious labor.

To find out what happened next, tune in tonight LIVE...

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