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Building Self Confidence in Our Children

Inspiring Adventures in Parenting & Marriage


Whinypaluza Wednesday

Building Self Confidence in
Our Children

Yesterday, I asked the Whinypaluza Mom Group on Facebook, “What is the hardest part of parenting in the current stage that you are in?”

First, thank you to all the moms for being for being vulnerable and willing to contribute to this question. The answers were really insightful and helpful. A couple of the moms asked about building confidence in their children and that really resonated with me.

I am the oldest child, so I didn’t know what it was like to be the youngest child. I have three children. Max is 17 years old, Ella is a month away from turning 15 years old and Lillie is 11 years old.

Max and Ella are what I would call overachievers. Max’s teachers don’t understand why he would be upset by a 96. When you expect yourself to get 100 on everything, a 96 is low for you. That gives you a little insight as to what Lillie’s older siblings are like.

Ella just got a 98 on her math midterm (a normal achievement for her), and both Max and Ella have a list of things that they are involved in.

Lillie has quite the act to follow and that could mess with anyone’s head. Especially when she compares herself to her siblings. Lillie has given me a lot of understanding about what it is like to be the youngest child.

We all want our children to have confidence.

To find out how am I working on building Lillie’s confidence and how this can help you tune in tonight to Whinypaluza Wednesday live.

Want to hear my answers to these and other questions?

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