Cause When You're 15

Inspiring Adventures in Parenting & Marriage


Whinypaluza Wednesday

Cause When You're 15

My son Max just turned 17 years old, and my daughter Ella just turned 15! Ella turning 15 hit me harder than Max turning 17. You just never know how your mama emotions are going to be. I turned to my 11-year-old, and I thanked her for only being 11. How do I have a 17-year-old and a 15-year-old? How did that happen?

Ella is such a wonderful kid. I know you think I am biased because I am her mom, but if you surveyed the people in our lives, they would tell you how sweet and responsible Ella is. She is so easy to parent.

She loves alone time and will disappear from the family to get away from any chaos. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t have her own challenges.

Every child is so different, and we have to learn what each child needs from us. If Ella could write this, she would tell us that she likes a calm atmosphere. While Lillie cringes when Seth and I kiss, Ella smiles and enjoys seeing her parents love each other. They couldn’t be two more different kids who need very different things in life.

Ella is a freshman in high school. I want you to go back to your freshman year of high school. When we were at the dinner table the other night, I told Ella that freshman year was the year of insecurity.

My son Max looked at me and said that I nailed it.

You are new to a school, and you are finding your way. You are trying to learn to be comfortable in a new school, and you are trying to learn to be comfortable in your own skin. I can take myself back there in a moment and know how I was feeling. I would much rather be 47-year-old confident, happy, secure me. 15-year-old me was not confident or secure.

To find out what happened next, tune in tonight LIVE...

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