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  • From my daughter Ella: What Parents should Know about High Schoolers:

From my daughter Ella: What Parents should Know about High Schoolers:

Inspiring Adventures in Parenting & Marriage


Whinypaluza Wednesday

What Parents should Know about High Schoolers:

From my daughter Ella

By Ella Greene:

My parents asked me to write about what I feel parents should know about high schoolers. I want to preface this blog by saying this is not a one-size-fits-all situation. Every high schooler is different. If you are genuinely concerned, you should ask your child what they need from you. Everything I write is in the context that your child hasn’t done anything genuinely wrong. 


My first piece of advice is: to show empathy over sympathy. Showing your child that you can see the world from their point of view is invaluable to your relationship. This is because if your child feels truly understood they are more likely to come to you with their problems. They are more likely to do this because they think you get where they are coming from and can help them instead of just saying, “that sucks.” Sympathy can be great but putting yourself in the shoes of your child will almost always be the better approach to handling problems. 


The next piece of advice is......


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