Depression is a Journey

Inspiring Adventures in Parenting & Marriage


Whinypaluza Wednesday

Depression is a Journey

I absolutely love and want to honor when you give me topic requests. Depression and anxiety are my most recent requests that we will focus on repeatedly in order to help people with two of the most common issues. We tackled anxiety in a recent blog but it’s time we talk a little bit about depression.

In the summertime I feel like I come alive. My body feels better, and I even feel like I look better in the summer. There is a certain glow to me that I see fade away in the wintertime. I feel the seasonal effects on my mood. We will need to talk about this again during the winter months.

I have another full month of summer and that makes me so very happy. As September approaches, the leaves start to fall, the days grow shorter, and many of us might find our moods dipping with the temperature. It's a good time to talk about dealing with depression, especially as parents who need to juggle our own emotional well-being alongside our family responsibilities.

Depression can feel like a silent fog that settles over everything, coloring our world in shades of gray. It can make even the simplest tasks feel monumental. But as a mom, social worker, and someone who talks regularly with experts and everyday parents on the Whinypaluza Parenting Podcast, I've gathered some compassionate and practical tips to help lift that fog a bit, or at least make it more navigable.

Tune in tonight to hear my tips...

I am going live tonight from Seth's page again

Find him HERE.

I hope to see you there!

Laughing, Learning, Loving

Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R