From Dreidels To Deadlines

Inspiring Adventures in Parenting & Marriage


Whinypaluza Wednesday

From Dreidels To Deadlines

I can resist, or I can go with the flow of Chanukah this year. I looked up when Chanukah was this year, and I was very disappointed. Chanukah goes by the Lunar calendar and changes every year. This year it began on Thursday December 7th and will end on Friday afternoon December 15th. Seth was away on December 7th, so he didn’t even get to do the first night with us. This was a first and I was unhappy about this. I am trying so hard to just go with the flow of life. He had a work trip, and he was leaving the event early to be home for the second night.  

Not only was Seth away, but my kids also have school, homework and activities all during Chanukah. Could they skip their activities?

Yes, they can, but they don’t want to.

I also can’t control the teacher’s giving homework and tests during Chanukah. Lillie was busy studying for a social studies test last night. 

We are trying to proceed as normal AND fit in some Chanukah magic into each evening.  

Tune in live tonight (during Chanukah) to find how we are juggling it all.

Join me LIVE tonight at 9PM Eastern time for Whinypaluza Wedensday LIVE on

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