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Ella’s Internship at Shakespeare in the Park

Inspiring Adventures in Parenting & Marriage


Whinypaluza Wednesday

Ella’s Internship at Shakespeare in the Park

Ella was all ready for her internship interview and I drove her over ready to drop her off. The two wonderful ladies in charge of Shakespeare in the Park asked me to join in for the interview. I was in my workout clothes and was not prepared for this at all. I would have dressed nicely if I knew this interview was for me too. I want to tell you how smart these women are to include the parent(s) in the interview.

Why? This was a huge commitment. Not only was Ella committing almost five weeks of her summer to this doing long hours, but I was also committing to driving her, being on call for when shows were canceled due to rain and understanding that I wasn’t going to see her much for five weeks. This was a commitment made by both Ella and me.

Let’s not forget Seth’s commitment (husband/father). Seth was on call with me at night when it rained, and shows were canceled. Seth committed to driving to pick up Ella at 9:30 at night in Delaware Park.

When our kids sign up for things, it’s not just them making the commitment. It was extremely hard for us to have any plans during these five weeks. We tended to make sure one of us was always available to pick Ella up at any time. Yes, we should have carpooled!

Yes, my wonderful parents had to step in and help us!

When Ella wanted to sign up, I went over the hours with her. Tuesday – Friday from 1:30 PM to 9:30 PM and Saturday and Sunday 5:30-9:30 PM. Her only day off would be Monday. The thing is, when my kids want to do something, they don’t tend to think through the immense commitment they are making. They tend to jump right in with two feet exactly like I do! 

After an intense 8th grade year of tons of studying and being involved in a lot of things at school, Ella asked if she could have a low-key summer last summer. As nice as it was to have down time, Ella got bored. She made it clear she wanted to do things this summer and we certainly made that happen for her! Ella was not going to be bored with this internship!

Tune in tonight at 9PM Eastern to hear the rest...

I am going live tonight from Seth's page again

Find him HERE.

I hope to see you there!

Laughing, Learning, Loving

Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R