Embracing Our Children's Independence

Inspiring Adventures in Parenting & Marriage


Whinypaluza Wednesday

Embracing Our Children's Independence

As a mom who has navigated the journey of parenting for many years, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to learn to let go of our children.

Whether it’s watching them take their first steps into a classroom or sending them off to college, each stage of independence can stir a mix of pride and apprehension. 

My youngest child is 11 (almost 12) and she is the inspiration behind this topic. She keeps pushing me for more independence. She has grown and changed so much this summer both physically and emotionally. I continue to grow and change with her and keep moving towards giving her more freedom. 

My oldest will be headed to college a year from now so you will hear a lot about that in future topics!

I want to give you some tips to help you through learning to give your children more independence!

Tune in tonight to hear my tips...

I am going live tonight at 8:30 PM Eastern time from Seth's page again

Find him HERE.

I hope to see you there!

Laughing, Learning, Loving

Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R