You are Enough Today Just as you Are

Inspiring Adventures in Parenting & Marriage


Whinypaluza Wednesday

You are Enough Today Just as you Are

One of my favorite things to do is to talk to other moms. Moms need other moms. Women need other women. We need to connect and talk about all the things. Unfortunately, the theme that I see when I talk to other moms/women is that they feel as though they aren’t enough.

Things I hear myself and other moms say to themselves:

“I haven’t even started buying school supplies yet.”

“I didn’t take my kids on a vacation this summer.”

“I forgot about the PTSA meeting.”

“I need to lose weight. I’ve gotten so fat.”

“I’m sorry I never volunteer. I feel so bad.”

“I never make them dinner. We eat crap because we are always on the go.”

“My house is a mess. Please don’t look when you come in.”

“I have so much clutter. I need to get organized.”

“I forgot to buy the shirt and pants my daughter needs for her chorus concert.”

“I only exercised once this week.”

The bottom line is, I don’t tend to hear women praising themselves. I tend to hear them telling me what they are doing wrong. Or how they aren’t enough. They will have accomplished a huge list for the day, and I still hear about what they didn’t do. It is definitely a theme that I see with women that I have been trying to address with others and with myself. I need to work on this topic too.

As I keep saying, you are never alone in your daily challenges. If you are having a challenge, I promise you that there is another mom feeling the exact same way.

How can I help us feel like enough? That is the big question! What will it take? How can we stop tearing ourselves down and start building ourselves up?

Tune in tonight at 8:30 PM Eastern to hear my tips...

I am going live tonight from Seth's page again

Find him HERE.

I hope to see you there!

Laughing, Learning, Loving

Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R