Our First College Visits

Inspiring Adventures in Parenting & Marriage


Whinypaluza Wednesday

Our First College Visits

And so, it begins. We packed up the car and we were off on our first college tours in Boston. I felt so much excitement for my son Max. He’s 17 years old and is engrossed in finding the right college fit for him. He has a long list, and we are going to do our best to tour the East coast and show him as many colleges as we can. 

All my husband Seth and I have heard about from Max is MIT and Cornell. I knew those needed to be our first two stops. Max is very interested in doing data science. He loves science, math and computer science. He is going to put those three fields together and build himself a wonderful career one day. He is already working and has his own website helping business owners. I could go on and on about my son Max, but I won’t bore you. He impresses me and inspires me. How did we get here? That is the question that my husband kept asking me all week.

We arrived in Boston and my heart started racing. If you know me, I am a suburban girl through and through. We got off the thruway and I watched my husband attempt to navigate the streets of Boston to get to our hotel. We made it to the Marriott, and I took some deep breaths. At that moment I knew I would never want to drive in Boston! My husband earned some major huge marital points for doing all the Boston driving. 

We took an uber to MIT and I imagined leaving my son there. We sat in a presentation and took a tour, and I watched Max’s eyes. I had no doubt that Max would love MIT. Do I want him around the corner from home? Yes! Do I want the very best for him? Yes!

To see your child light up is one of the best things you can experience as a parent. The statistics of 4% of 40,000 students getting into MIT did not make me very happy. How do I talk to Max about the odds while not dashing his hopes and dreams? Do the 40,000 kids applying to MIT have Max’s credentials? I had to be realistic and encouraging. Do I think he would be the best MIT student? Do I think that he is a good fit for MIT? Yes, and yes. I have no control over if he gets in. That is where stress enters. I was trying to just enjoy the tours and enjoy the process.

To find out what happened next, tune in tonight LIVE...

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