Getting my daughter out of the house

Happy Monday everyone!

I hope you had an enjoyable weekend.

I find that I still struggle to get my youngest daughter out of the house. Leaving her for her cheer competition wasn't easy!

What works with her:

Make sure she is awake with plenty of time to get ready.
Make sure she is aware of what time I want to be in the car. It works even better when we agree on a time together that will give us enough time to be early.
A gentle reminder that we are leaving at X time.
Asking what I can do to help her?
Tagging my husband in to help when I'm frustrated because he can be calm.

What doesn't work:
Me getting angry and telling her firmly to move along.
Rushing her.
As I think through this past weekend, I should take her phone away until she is ready. I know she is enjoying talking to her friends while she gets ready but how is that slowing her down?
Not realizing if she isn't up early enough.
Forgetting to let her know what time I want to leave the house.

How are your kids at getting out of the house? What works with them?

I hope you can take a pointer away from this. It's always good for us to evaluate something when it doesn't go well so we can figure out what to do differently.

Laughing, Learning, Loving,
Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R 

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