Happy Monday (October 28th, 2024)

Happy Monday everyone!

I am inspired to help us all to make this a better week.


As we go through our day, we tend to have thoughts like:


"I have to go to work."

"I have to do the dishes."

"I have to pick up my son."

"I have to make dinner."


These are just a few examples and we all know that there are many more throughout our days.

I want to challenge us this week to practice flipping this script to something that will make us all have a better week.

Something that we can also teach to our partners, kids, friends, etc.


Instead of, "I have to go to work." Let's all change it to, "I get to go to work."

It is a little change that will make a huge difference in your week. Try it out and let me know how it goes. As I am typing this I am practicing with, "I get to type this for all of you. What a blessing."


This is something that I talked about today in the Whinypaluza mom group on Facebook. It is a free and supportive community that I would love for you to come join. We can share our successes and challenges and feel the love and support from other parents. 


Have a great week everyone.

Laughing, Learning, Loving,
Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R 

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