Making the Holidays less Stressful

Inspiring Adventures in Parenting & Marriage


Whinypaluza Wednesday

Making the Holidays less Stressful

Passover was approaching quickly. I looked at our April calendar and took a long deep breath. Normally during Passover, you do a Passover Seder (Passover dinner) the first two nights of the holiday. Passover is 8 days long. My daughter Lillie was in a musical and I was trying to figure out where we were going to fit in a Seder. The major musical week being the same week as Passover didn’t work well for me. You may be thinking religion comes first.

Here’s what I decided to say to ease my stress:

“Let’s make holiday plans when they work for us.” If you can’t celebrate Easter on Easter, then find a date that works for everyone.

Everyone tells us to plan ahead to make things easier for us. I don’t disagree but I wasn’t ready to think about Passover. I had a list of stuff I needed to get through before I could wrap my mind around planning any sort of dinner. I am the type of person that sometimes has an order of priority of what I needed to get done that day.

Do I think we should have a plan? I do. That doesn’t mean I always listen to my own advice. I am going to guess my mom makes a menu and starts cooking days ahead of time.

I laugh at myself every holiday as I realize I forgot to buy things. My wonderful husband says to me on every holiday, “Let me know what I need to go grab for you at the store.” I gave him a list as I realized we were out of butter and oil! Laugh your way through the holiday.

I got up and instantly started cooking with my daughter Ella. I love that Ella and Seth were awake and ready and willing to help me. Max and Lillie were fast asleep as we plowed through the potatoes and matzah crack. Yes, matzah crack is a thing and it’s really delicious.

To hear my 8 tips for making holidays less stressful, tune in live tonight!

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