Memorial Day




On this Memorial Day weekend, as we honor those who gave their lives for our freedoms, I would like to send a message to all the moms.

As a mom, if we take time for ourselves we tend to say things like, "I did nothing today," and then feel guilty about it.
I would love to see us change this inner dialogue for ourselves.

Instead of telling yourself that you didn't do anything today, I would like to help us all flip this script.

Let's say different things to ourselves and be more kind and compassionate.

Let's say things like:

"I needed a break today."
"I relaxed today."
"I took some down time for myself today."
"I rested and recharged today."
"I filled my cup today."

We don't always need to be productive. Being productive doesn't make us worthy. We are also worthy when we take time for ourselves.

It makes us better in every role. We don't need to burn the candle at both ends all day every day. You are still worthy when you rest, reset and recharge.

I hope you took some time for yourself on this long weekend.

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Laughing, Learning, Loving

Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R