Mommy Summer Brain

Inspiring Adventures in Parenting & Marriage


Whinypaluza Wednesday

Mommy Summer Brain

It is July! My favorite month of the year. Summer is in full swing. While our kids are diving into the season headfirst, many of us moms are grappling with what I like to call “summer brain.” It’s that feeling of disorganization and forgetfulness that seems to hit when the kids are out of school and our routines are thrown out the window.

My producer just asked me for my blog, and I said to my husband before he left for work this morning: “I have summer brain. How am I going to write when I have summer brain.”

·         I feel disorganized.

·         I am staying up later and sleeping later.

·         I’ve lost my routine.

·         I am having a harder time getting things done.

·         I am trying to fit in work and lots of summer fun.

·         I have my three kids at home all day = juggling three kids ALL day.

·         I feel more forgetful.

Summer brain is a real thing. I am living it. The school year is a whirlwind of schedules, homework, and extracurricular activities. We transition into summer with the idea that things will slow down, but somehow, they only get crazier. A mom just said to me, “My kids need to go back to school.” My hope is that by the time you are done reading this that you won’t feel that way! If you love having your children home for summer, I hope this can be helpful anyway! I love summer. I also deeply have summer brain.

Tune in tonight to hear the rest of my lessons.

I am going live tonight from Seth's page again

Find him HERE.

I hope to see you there!

Laughing, Learning, Loving

Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R