Planning for 2024

Inspiring Adventures in Parenting & Marriage


Whinypaluza Wednesday

Planning for 2024 

On a live vlog with my husband, I said I hadn’t worked on my goals for 2024.

I realized that wasn’t true at all.

I had them all swirling around in my head, and it is time to get them down on paper.

Here is your gentle reminder to think through your goals for 2024 and to write them down. Writing them down will help them to be more concrete. 

First, let us all reflect on 2023. How was the year for you? What were your favorite and least favorite moments? What did you achieve?

What did you not quite achieve or didn’t get to that you want to do in 2024?  

Tune in live tonight around 9PM Eastern time on Facebook to hear my reflections on 2023, and what my goals are for 2024.

I'd love for you to tune in and share some of yours with me - let's inspire each other!

Want to hear my answers to these and other questions?

Join me LIVE tonight at 9PM Eastern time for Whinypaluza Wedensday LIVE on

MY personal Facebook Page

The Whinypaluza Fan Page

Inside the Whinypaluza Mom's Group

I hope to see you there!