Things Left Unsaid

Inspiring Adventures in Parenting & Marriage


Whinypaluza Wednesday

Things Left Unsaid

This blog was inspired by so many things.

I am listening to the book After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Read.

I wish that I could finish this book before this blog is due so I may need to go do that!

First, I want to tell you that my neighbor is right. This is totally off topic but if you want to exercise more, get a good audio book. I see her walk and walk some more, and she says she gets lost in a book and walks a lot. I am taking her advice and doing the same! I got lost in my book and walked for a few miles.

Second, I am noticing repeatedly in the books that I read that people think things, but they don’t always say them. Or it takes them the whole book to tell someone how they really feel. Or it is too late, and they could have prevented things if they had said how they really feel. It can be so frustrating as a reader.

This was also inspired by my own marriage. Have you noticed how many times that you don’t tell your husband something, but that you want him to know anyway? Have you noticed this game that you play with your husband?

Maybe you don’t. I am not trying to throw you under the bus if this is something that you don’t do. However, if you do play this game of, “Know what I want but I am not going to tell you, so you have to guess,” then I am going to call us out on this.

Tune in tonight at 9PM Eastern to hear how I am doing this myself and how I am workingon it...

I will be live from my NEW Facebook profile!

Find me HERE.

I hope to see you there!

Laughing, Learning, Loving

Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R