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  • Whinypaluza Tip of the Week January 15th

Whinypaluza Tip of the Week January 15th

Whinypaluza Newsletter



Trivia Question❓

In marriages, around what percentage of arguments are typically about domestic chores, according to a study conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles?

Answer at the bottom of the newsletter

Tip of the Week

Take turns with your partner for "me time" and "we time." Let each other have a dedicated day or evening to enjoy personal hobbies or interests, while also scheduling regular date nights or quality time together.

This balance helps rejuvenate and strengthen both your individual selves and your relationship as a couple.

Quote of the Week

"Love is not about how much you do for your children or your spouse, but how effortlessly you do it with a heart full of joy."

Interesting Facts

  • Did you know that studies have shown that having a strong marital bond actually benefits children's academic performance? A research conducted by the University of Cambridge found that kids who grow up in homes with stable marriages tend to achieve higher grades in school compared to those from less stable households.

  • It's a surprising fact that parents tend to spend more quality time with their firstborn child, as opposed to their subsequent children. A study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family revealed that parents often prioritize spending one-on-one time with their first child due to the novelty and excitement of experiencing parenthood for the first time.

  • A lesser-known fact is that fathers who actively participate in housework and childcare tend to have children who display higher cognitive and social development. Researchers at the University of Illinois discovered that fathers who are involved in everyday parenting tasks, such as changing diapers and bathtime, contribute positively to their children's overall development, making them more emotionally intelligent and socially adaptable.

💡 Answer to Trivia Question:

Approximately 25% of arguments in marriages are about domestic chores.

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Laughing, Learning, Loving

Rebecca Greene, LCSW